
Showing posts from February, 2019


Numutkeun Edward Burnett Taylor (Keesing jeung Samuel Gunawan, 1989: 68) kabudayaan mangrupa sakabéh hal anu komplék ngawengku pangaweruh, kapercayaan, seni, hukum, adat istiadat, kasanggupan jeung kabiasaan lianna anu dipaluruh manusa salaku anggota masarakat. Tina éta définisi dicindekkeun, kabudayaan nya éta sawatara hal anu mangaruhan tingkat pangaweruh ngawengku sistem ide atawa gagasan anu aya dina pikiran manusa anu dina kahirupan sapopoé mah sipatna abstrak. Wujud tina kabudayaan nya éta paripolah jeung barang-barang anu diciptakeun manusa mangrupa barang anu sipatna nyata, misalna paripolah, basa, organisasi social, religi, seni, Jste. Anu kabéhna dipaké pikeun ngabantuan manusa dina kahirupannana. Budaya Sunda mibanda poténsi anu luhur dina nyekel tradisi karuhunna, nepi ka budaya Sunda kawéntar ka saban nagara tepi ka Dunya. Kabeungharan budaya Sunda katitén tina situs-situs sunda buhun. Jati diri Ki Sunda geus kawangun dina konsép Sunda buhun anu masih dianu

Wali Kota Bandung Resmikan Teras Sunda

Why Hire a Mesothelioma Law Firm? Finding a reputable mesothelioma law firm is one of the most important decisions you can make. Only a law firm with mesothelioma attorneys who have strong experience in asbestos litigation will have the knowledge necessary to properly navigate your claim process and ensure you get the financial compensation you deserve. Asbestos litigation can be very complex, and for many mesothelioma victims it can even be difficult to know how asbestos exposure occurred in the first place. By working with knowledgeable mesothelioma attorneys, you can better understand all your legal options and what type of mesothelioma claim makes the most sense for your individual circumstances. Your lawyer will be able to research the details of your case, determine the best venue to file your claim, and handle the entire process on your behalf so you can focus on your health.